Wednesday, 17 September 2014

18th Birthday Dilemmas

Hi Guys,
So it is exactly 1 month 10 days until my big 18th!
Your 18th that everyone’s like, woah! What are you going to do!? Have a party, go clubbing do something memorable, unbelievable and amazing!?!
Ermm. Nope.
I have no clue what I am going to do! It is too short notice to have a party and I don't think my parents are too keen on me having a house party with lots of drunk people around doing go knows what in my house. And I will go clubbing but not on my birthday (it's on a Monday) I will do that after plus I really need to get some sort of ID sorted :/

Then I have another issue- what do I ask for, for my birthday, clothes... but what clothes. There's no way I would get a new phone and I’m not sure I need any other electrical stuff. As for jewellery I’m the sort of person that thinks how can you buy a necklace that is about £70 when you could buy a whole new wardrobe from Primark- cheapskate I know (later I would be wishing I got the necklace though, haha)

If it has been your birthday recently or it is coming up whether it is you 18th or any other age let me know what you are wishing to wake up and see in front of you; give me some inspiration :') 
Sorry this has not been the most interesting of posts but I. Am. Shattered. It took me over an hour and half to get home to day standing around 40 minutes for a bus whilst 2 packed ones passed me, one of them I actually got on but the driver stopped at me and said “sorry it’s too full”
Anyway I am starting to rant now and have too much homework to be doing than ranting…

Bye Guys

Monday, 15 September 2014

Sheeran, Styles & Burr

It's time; it's time again, to blog... woohoo (that did sound quite harmonious in my head, haha)

Sticking to my word; hear i am again! :) haha
So today I have ad a wonderful day at college doing more work than I actually thought I was capable of during my four hour and ten minute free periods, yes you just read correctly FOUR HOURS AND TEN MINUTES!! Whilst working away with my ICT work my ears had the pleasure of embracing the beautiful voice of Ed Sheeran; please I beg you if you have not listened to his album X yet you need to RIGHT NOW (maybe not right now- I would like you to finish reading my blog first). 

After unconsciously tapping along a bit too much to my excellent encounter with Ed I had English when on reflect I can honestly tell you hand on my heart that I spent my lesson writing about an obsession with Harry Styles (I can assure you as cute as I think he is I'm not obsessed it was only for my work).  
Other than that my day has not been that interesting. Although I should tell you I attempted to make Tanya Burr's chocolate cookies yesterday and hers probably taste a lot better than mine :/ I know they don't look that appealing and they were very very sickly but here they are people...

Yes as I said not too appealing haha.

Anyway I am rambling now people, let me know in the comments below how you day was and what you did. Don't forget to subscribe- if you want that is ;)

Bye Guys


Saturday, 13 September 2014

Ooops I did it again!

I realise my last blog post was an apology and this is what this one is too I started college again on Monday and it has really taken it out of me! Literally I went to bed really early last night and woke up sooo so late!

Although this is an apology I don’t want to ramble about it I just want to get on and carry on with what I now love doing... blogging!

Now as much as I love the whole atmosphere of education- the homework (strange I know), the timetables (not so much the huge gaps between classes) and waltzing around college thinking I am the perfect student (all for about 2 seconds) I am not loving not being able to blog as much as I wish because of this so I have now created my self a blogging timetable guys and if I don’t stick to it I accept defeat that I am not made for blogging but in the words of (my own as I don’t really know anybody to quote) "I will succeed" haha how cheesy am I.

At this moment in time I have so much work to get on and do but before that I thought I would share with you what I found camping outside my kitchen window this morning whilst I was washing up...

Yes! It is an elephant sized spider crawling along my neighbour’s roof!!!
No, not really but it was a super big spider on the outside of my window though! Now I am not the biggest fan of spiders so this was one way to wake me up I suppose, let me know in the comments below what your fears are I can't think off of the top of my head what I am really scared of... hmmm....

Anyway guys I SHALL write again on Monday no matter what- unless there is an invasion of elephant sized spiders of something!?

Have a nice weekend
Bye Guys

Monday, 1 September 2014

I'm Sorry Fellow Readers :(

Hi Guys,

First things first I want to appologise for not writing on my blog for over 2 weeks but I have been quite busy and dedicating a lot of the time I have had spare to trying to design my blog which you can see I have successfully FAILED!
 So I am going to but a pre made template in time I think haha I know wonder forrest do some beautiful templates (if you have a blog go check them out if you haven't already!)

Also if you have read my previous blog you will know I recieved my A level results which I was quite happy with, I mean I didnt fail any so just need to work hard make sure I get the grades for university next year :?

Now I've been thinking I would do a 'Going back to school/ college' post next because you will soon learn that I absolutely love stationary shopping! I was always a big fan of buying school uniform too (weird I know) but since I don't have to wear a uniform any more I dedicate my getting prepared by getting stationary!

So ultimately I have written this blog to appologise for my social media absence, but I'm back! Haha. If you are new and come back to read my blog again (I would love you to!) or if you check my blog regularly you will probably see the design change LOADS until I get it just how I like it- this may take time though :/

Bye Guys