Friday, 1 August 2014

Applying to University or College

First things first, I am aware this blog post may not be for all of you so here is a link to another bog I have written all about T.V programs that have caught my eye-

Now I promised this post as my previous post but if you read my blog you will be aware I got over excited about going to the seaside (yes, I am 17 years old, haha) 
anyways this is all about university/ college... woohoo!

If like me you are going back into your second year at college or you just wish to go to university or even if your starting college, you are probably feeling the stress of making the right choices of what uni/ college to apply to or what exact subjects you should take!?

I'm no expert so please don't follow what I say like I'm a professional I'm just sharing with you how I have been approaching the matter and how it has helped me so far.

At university I want to study journalism and before I started college and chose my A-levels I ordered a load of university prospectuses and looked at what grades and subjects they required, this obviously helped me choose which subjects I am now doing in college. Unless you understand the way the university write which grades and subjects they require you to have I strongly advise you to ask somebody who knows and understands to go through them with you as I thought university would only accept me if I took A-levels at college not a BTEC but I was very wrong. I ended up taking A-levels in media, ICT, English literature and language and law. I won't lie they are very hard to get used to as they are a big jump from GCSE but they are very interesting and the atmosphere of the classroom is very different. 

Once you are in college the best thing you can do is take notes, more notes and even more notes!! Trust me these will be your saviour when it come to revising for exams. A way I have found to take really good notes that stick in my head is using case cards. You can make them yourself by writing and cutting paper into smaller squares or they are available to buy from different stationary shops or Asda for about £1. Boy, I wish I knew to use these when doing my GCSE's! When you have written different terms and definitions or diagrams on your case cards look through them every day or every other day it only takes 5 minutes whilst you on car journeys or just before you go to bed then when you feel ready ask your mum, dad, brother, sister, boyfriend, girlfriend, uncle whoever to test you on them once or twice a week and I promise you it works!

Now I have completed my first year at college I know when I go back in September I have to start applying to university so to get ahead of the game I have been doing my own homework over the 3 months I have had off of college. Looking at undergraduate open days which if like me you didn't know you have to book a place to go to the open day (I am yet to visit one but have booked places). Decide what subject you want to study first then the location. If you want to go far please consider the costs I know there are various funding and bursaries available but just remember you do have to pay them back. Once you have decided what you want to do and a rough idea of the location of where you want to go the UCAS website is your best friend! This will tally up which universities are best for you and which universities are better for different things. Another great website I have found is which but I will leave links to them below.

As for applying to university they require a personal statement and like a CV you want to stand out from the rest so getting really involved in what you wish to study is perfect for this. A friend of mine wishes to study Primary Education in university so these holidays she has had work experience in her old primary school. As for myself I have started to write a blog. I have always want to write a blog but never had the confidence to do it but now I enjoy it so much and wish I had started years ago and I hope to use this for my portfolio for uni. My passion and love for writing I can use for my education. 
"Once you have your education nobody can take it away from you!"
Finally I am not too sure about this but I think universities base their decision of whether to accept you into their university or not relies on your predicted grades. Two years in college goes by so fast I cannot stress this to you enough! I know your late teenage years many of you want to go to as many parties, nightclubs and be with your friends 24/7 but as well as having fun there needs to be a strong balance between your education and social life, once you have your education nobody can take it away from you!

I know this has been a really long post and sorry if you got bored or lost interest but as much as my parents helped me I would love to have heard from someone who was currently going through the process of college/university. 

If you have any questions or any requests for any other posts I am more than happy to answer your questions and consider your requests. If you liked this post please feel free to subscribe. 

Have a lovely weekend
Bye Guys


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