Wednesday, 8 October 2014

My Kickers Dilemma...

So... My laptop screen has broken hence for the lack of blogging because as soon as I get on a computer I am tackling the Mount Kilimanjaro sized of homework I have! The joys of being a student.

 I have a question. Does anybody else wear their Kicker boots with tights and socks? 
No, I'm not completely and utterly mad- here is my reason for asking... So I have that kind of friendship with my friends that if something we wear doesn't look nice we will tell each other; as well as this we have that banter that we can take the micky out of each other and it wont offend us! Now, if you have kicker you know that after a while they become bigger (strange, I know) so I wore a dress with black tights, black socks ruffled up a bit and black kickers. 
So back to my question- Does anybody else wear their Kicker boots with tights and socks?

Also I have been reading the I Heart New York/ Hollywood/ Paris etc. book collection and OH MY GOSH GUYS!! I cannot put this book down I am on the third book I Heart Paris and can't wait to start and finish the other two! 
If anybody likes a good girly read, and you are a fan of films such as The Devil Wears Prada trust me you will love these too!

It has been short and sweet I know and every time I blog I forget how much I love it!

Let me know how you all are and what you have been up to or any books that you might think I like if you have read any similar to this, I would love to know

Right I'm off to bed
Bye Guys

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